Wijnen Square Crops

Wijnen Square Crops


“We are a true family company. We work together; everyone knows each other and we’re all ready to help each other. The horticulture business was founded by my parents in 1978. Growing involves so many different aspects, such as cultivation, labour, energy, finances, and technology. You work with plants, with living material.​

We always bear the future in mind in our company, with a sustainable future for people and the environment playing a central role. This not only means investing in a sustainable production process, but also in long-term relationships with our employees, customers and suppliers. After all, if you collaborate with others you make more progress. It’s a question of giving and receiving.”​

Pieter Wijnen​
Wijnen Square Crops logo
"Growing involves so many different aspects."

About this grower

  • Hectares
  • Cultivation sites
  • Types of salads


Certifications​: Global Gap, GRASP, Nurture, IFS, BRC, QS​

